Transforming Society In The Post-Pandemic Era – Rakhmat Hidayat, etc



“Transforming Society in the Post Pandemic Era” a reflection of collaborative works of international academics who shared their contributions on the International Lecture Series that held by the Faculty of Social Sciences, State University of Jakarta with generous support from The Eurasia Foundation (from Asia)

This book is a collection of thoughts produced by numerous thinkers and academics who seek to understand the changes that are occurring and formulate steps towards sustainable transformation with a multidisciplinary exploration of the profound shifts reshaping our world across various fields of study. From economics and social sciences to culture, education, history, religion, tourism, and communication, this book delves into the multifaceted dimensions of our evolving reality. Through a diverse range of perspectives and insights, it seeks to illuminate the challenges, opportunities, and potential pathways for building a more resilient, equitable, and sustainable society in the aftermath of crisis.

As we embark on this collective journey of transformation, let us draw inspiration from the resilience, creativity, and solidarity that have emerged amidst adversity. Through interdisciplinary dialogue, collaborative action, and visionary leadership, we can harness the potential of this moment to build a more inclusive, equitable, and sustainable society for future generations. “Transforming Society in the Post-Pandemic Era” invites readers to engage in this crucial conversation and embark on a journey of reflection, discovery, and collective action towards a brighter tomorrow.

Happy reading, and let’s go through the journey of transformation towards a better future together.

  • Penulis: Rakhmat Hidayat, etc
  • ISBN: xxxx
  • Halaman: 334
  • Ukuran: 15 x 23 cm
  • Tahun Terbit: 2024


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